Bibliografía Química inorgánica de síntesis 2016
Autores |
Título |
Edición/ Editorial |
Año |
clasificación |
Adams D. M.; Raynor, J. B. |
Química Inorgánica Práctica Avanzada, |
Reverté, |
1966 |
experimental |
Adams, D.M., Raynor, J.B. |
Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry, |
John Wiley, |
1967 |
experimental |
Angelici, R.J. |
Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry, |
Saunders, |
1977 |
experimental |
Angelici, R.J. |
Técnicas y Síntesis en Química Inorgánica |
Reverté, |
1979 |
experimental |
Area Inorgánica |
Tablas de constantes físicas |
experimental |
Armarego,W.L.F.- Christina Li Lin Chai |
Purification of Laboratory Chemicals |
Butterworth-Heinemann, |
2003 |
experimental |
Perrin, D. D.; Armarego W. L; Perrin, D. R.. |
Purification of Laboratory Chemicals |
Pergamon Press |
1980 |
experimental |
Atkins P.; Overton,T; Rourke; Weller,M. Armstrong, F.; Hagerman |
Shriver & Atkins. Inorganic Chemistry |
5th. Ed. Oxford University Press |
2010 |
fundamentos |
Baggio S.; Blesa M.; Fernández H. |
Química Inorgánica. Teoría y Práctica |
Universidad de San Martín |
2012 |
fundamentos- experimental |
Beyer, l.;Fernández-Herrero, V |
Química Inorgánica |
Ariel |
2000 |
fundamentos |
Brauer, G. |
Química Inorgánica Preparativa. |
Reverté, |
1958 |
experimental |
Cotton F. A. , G. Wilkinson, |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, |
6th edition, John Wilely & Sons |
1999 |
fundamentos |
Cotton F.A. and Wilkinson, G. |
Química Inorgánica Avanzada |
John Wiley, |
1996 |
fundamentos |
Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G.; Gaus, P. L. |
Química Inorgánica Básica |
3ª Edición. Limusa |
1994 |
fundamentos |
Cotton, F.A. |
Teoría de Grupos Aplicada a la Química |
Limusa, |
1983 |
fundamentos |
Chango, R. |
Chemistry |
McGraw-Hill, |
1994 |
Dodd, R.E.; Robinson, P.L. |
Química inorgánica experimental. |
Reverté |
experimental |
Domínguez, X.A. |
Experimentos de química general e inorgánica. |
Limusa. |
1972 |
experimental |
Douglas, B.; McDaniel, D.; Alexander, J. |
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry |
3ª Edición. John Wiley and Sons |
1994 |
fundamentos |
Duffy, J.A. |
Bonding, Energy Levels & Bands in Inorganic Solids |
Longman Scientific & Technical |
1990 |
fundamentos |
Errington, R. John |
Advanced Practical Inorganic Metalorganic Chemistry |
Blackie Academic & Prof., |
1997 |
experimental |
Evans, R.C. |
An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry. |
Cambridge University Press, |
1980 |
fundamentos |
Gordon, A. J.; Ford, R. A. |
The Chemist's Companion |
experimental |
Greenwood, N.N., Earnshaw, A. |
Chemistry of the Elements, |
2da Edición. Butterworth-Heinemann |
1998 |
experimental |
Gregory S. Girolami, Thomas B. Ranchfuss, Robert J. Angelici. |
Synthesis and technique in inorganic: a laboratory manual. |
University Science Book, |
1999 |
fundamentos |
Gutiérrez Rios E., |
Química Inorgánica. |
Reverté |
1979 |
fundamentos |
Huheey, J.E. |
Química Inorgánica. Principios y Reactividad |
Harla, |
1988 |
fundamentos |
Jolly, W. L. |
Preparative Inorganic Reactions |
Interscience Publishers, |
1964 |
Experimental |
Jolly, W. L. |
The Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic Compounds |
Prentice¬Hall, |
1970 |
experimental |
Kettle, S. F. A. |
Physical Inorganic Chemistry, A Coordination Chemistry Approach, |
Oxford Univ. Press, |
1998 |
experimental |
Lee, J. D. |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry, |
6th edition, Chapman & Hall, |
1996 |
fundamentos |
Lide, D. R. Editor in Chief |
Handbook of Chemistry and Phisics, |
85th edition, CRC Press, |
2004 |
experimental |
Marr, G. - B. W. Rocket. |
Practical Inorganic Chemistry |
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, |
1972 |
experimental |
Masterton,W. Slowinski, E. J.; Staniski. C. |
Química General Superior |
Editorial Interamericana |
1983 |
fundamentos |
Miessler, G. L.; Tarr, D. A., |
Inorganic Chemistry, |
2ª Edición. Prentice Hall, |
1999 |
fundamentos |
Müller, U |
Inorganic Structural Chemistry. |
John Wiley |
1999 |
fundamentos |
Nicholls & Massey, |
Comprenhesive Inorganic Chemistry |
Vol. 1, Pergamon Press Ltd |
1973 |
fundamentos |
Palmer. W. G. |
Experimental inorganic chemistry |
Cambridge : University press |
1970 |
experimental |
Palopoli, C y col. |
El Laboratorio bajo la lupa |
2007 |
experimental |
Pass, G., Sutcliffe, H. |
Practical Inorganic Chemistry, |
Chapman and Hall, |
1974 |
fundamentos |
Purcell, P.K.; Kotz, J.C. |
Química inorgánica |
Reverte S.A., |
1979 |
fundamentos |
Rayner-Canham. G. |
Química Inorgánica Descriptiva |
Reverté, |
2002 |
experimental |
Schubert U. ; Hüsing, N. |
Synthesis of Inorganic Materials. |
Wiley-VCH, |
2000 |
experimental |
Shriver D.F., P.W. Atkins, C.H. Langford. |
Química Inorgánica. |
Ed. Reverté, |
2000 |
fundamentos |
Sienko, M. J.- R. A. Plane, S. T. Marcus. |
Experimental Chemistry |
McGraw Hill, |
1984 |
experimental |
Signorella, S |
Introducción al Estado Sólido. Estructuras y Propiedades |
Mitre |
1997 |
fundamentos |
Smart L. , E. Moore |
Química del estado sólido |
Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana |
1995 |
fundamentos |
Smart L. and Moore, E. |
Solid State Chemistry. |
Stanley Thornes Ltd, |
2002 |
fundamentos |
Szafran, Z. ;Pike, R. M.; Foster, J. C. |
Microscale General Chemistry Laboratory: With Selected Macroscale Experiments, |
John Wiley & Sons, |
2003 |
experimental |
Szafran,Z. ; Pike, R. M.; Singh, M. |
Microscale Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprenhesive Laboratory Experience, |
John Wiley & Sons, |
1991 |
experimental |
Szafran,Z. ; Pike, R. M.; Singh, M. |
Microscale Inorganic Chemistry. |
John Wiley and Sons |
1991 |
experimental |
Tanaka, J.; Suib, S.L. |
Experimental Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, |
Prentice Hall, |
2000 |
experimental |
Vogel, A.I.
Química Analítica Cuantitativa |
Kapelusz, |
1974 |
experimental |
Walton, H. F.
Inorganic Preparations |
Prentice-Hall |
1959 |
experimental |
Wells, A.F. |
Química Inorgánica Estructural. |
Reverté |
1983 |
fundamentos |
Wells, A. F. |
Structural Inorganic Chemistry, |
5th ed. Oxford University Press |
1986 |
fundamentos |
West, A. R |
Basic Solid State Chemistry |
John Wiley and Sons, 2da ed. |
1984 |
fundamentos |
West; A. R |
Solid State Chemistry |
John Wiley and Sons, |
1999 |
fundamentos |
Woolins, J. D. |
Inorganic Experiments |
VCH,3ra ed. |
2010 |
experimental |
Wulfsberg, G. |
Inorganic Chemistry |
University Science Book, |
2000 |
fundamentos |
Wulfsberg, G. |
Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry |
University Science Book, |
1991 |
fundamentos |
Colección |
Inorganc Syntheses V1-V31 |
Mc. Graw Hill Co. (V1-V17)
Wiley Interscience Publication J. Wiley & Sons V18 |
1978- |
experimental |